Publish a sermon archive like this. You can also create a sermon podcast using Church Content Pro. The Pattern for Life for the Believer February 14, 2021 Bob Richards John John 12:20-26 Responses to His anointing February 7, 2021 Bob Richards John John 12:1-11 An Ah-HA moment in the life of a Disciple January 24, 2021 Bob Richards John John 12:12-19 A death sentence of giving life January 17, 2021 Bob Richards John John 11:45ff The resurrection of Lazurus Part 2 January 10, 2021 Bob Richards John John 11:17-46 Trust and obey God January 3, 2021 Ken Kahsen Matthew Matthew 2:1-12 Oh Little town of Bethlehem December 27, 2020 Bob Richards Micah Micah 5:1-5 The Son is given December 20, 2020 Bob Richards Isaiah Isaiah 9:1-7 The Resurrection of Lazurus Part 1 December 13, 2020 Bob Richards John John 11 Big Misunderstanding Part 2 December 6, 2020 Bob Richards John John 10:30