The believers who come together at Grace Bible Fellowship share the following values:

Trusting in Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection alone for salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life.

Evangelism; personally making salvation through Christ known to all, where we live and around the world.

Prayer without ceasing.

Worshipping God with the congregation, in small groups, and as individuals.

Biblical principles in marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Joyful, genuine fellowship and supportive relationships with fellow Christians.

Demonstrating sincere, loving care for others.

Sacredness of life, from the unborn child to the elderly and those with disabilities.

Conducting ourselves with integrity, openness, transparency and respect for all people.

Expository Biblical teaching, based on our belief that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God.

Plurality of leadership by elders and deacons and the full use of the many spiritual gifts and talents of the entire church body, “as each part does its work.

Striving to know Jesus Christ intimately, walk with Him and grow in Grace.

Demonstrate good stewardship of our financial and material blessings.