jerry galinis

I was saved at the age of 48 while going through a very trying time.  I began to earnestly seek the Lord and committed to reading the Bible cover to cover.  As I read/studied scripture I tried to not read it thru the lens of my Roman Catholic background, but letting scripture stand on it’s own.  I made notes of important Biblical doctrines focusing on what the Bible has to say about what it means to be a Christian and scriptures that contradicted Roman Catholic doctrine.  After a few months, reviewing my notes I realized that Biblical Doctrine and Roman Catholic Doctrine are not equal in many areas such as baptism, communion, the “saints”, but especially regarding salvation. My back against the wall so to speak, I knew I had to make a choice.  Repenting and committing my life to Jesus and studying God’s word I became what I am today. A born again Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ.  Following conversion I could no longer stay in the Roman Church.  Searching for a true Bible centered, Christ centered fellowship of believers; The Lord led us to Grace Bible Fellowship in Petersburg.